Limited Liability Partnership

LLP is the simple business structure for businesses who want to limit their liability and have a separate legal existence. LLP is one of the easiest forms of business to incorporate and manage.

Limited liability partnership was introduced in India by way of Limited liability partnership act, 2008. LLP is just an advanced form of partnership that comes up with feature of limited liability towards the partners.

Unlike partnership business, one partner is not responsible or liable for other partner misconduct or gross negligence. Thus every partner will have a limited liability and having individual protection against the other partner in the LLP.

The partners themselves have to manage the business directly and they are called as designated partners. A partner in LLP is not liable for errors, omissions or negligence of LLP’s employees or agents of LLP.

Having the feature of separate legal entity, the liability of partners would be limited to their agreed contribution in the LLP agreement. Further, no partner would be liable on account of the un-authorized actions of other partners, thus allowing individual partners to be shielded from joint liability created by other partner’s wrongful business decisions or misconduct.

What is included in the package?

  • DSC of 2 partners
  • Name approval of LLP
  • DIN of 2 partners
  • LLP agreement
  • Incorporation certificate
  • GST Registration
  • Dedicated CA for LLP

Steps we follow

  • 1

    Obtaining DSC

    Digital Signature Certificate is mandatory for proposed partners which will be obtained within 1 day. At Our firm, we have a licensed DSC partner with certified authorities approved by Government.

  • 2

    Name approval

    Name approval for the name you have chosen for your LLP will processed by MCA subject to name availability in 2 working days.

  • 3

    LLP Incorporation

    The documents prepared by our team will be submitted to MCA and they will examine and give the approval within 3 to 4 working days.

  • 4

    PAN, TAN and LLP Agreement

    Application for PAN, TAN & LLP Agreement is completed once the LLP incorporation certificate is received.

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