A person who wants to start a business or commence a trade in a particular area or location shall have a trade license. This license will be issued by the municipal corporations in various departments.
Our firm will help you to get the trade license for your business within 4 to 5 working days.
Get to know more of Trade license?
Trade license has been introduced with an objective that public should not get affected by disturbance, health hazard of any trade or business and to ensure that no one is carrying unethical business practice.
It restricts the people from executing certain types of businesses from their home to maintain business and safety environment. The issuance of the license varies from state to state depending on municipality rules and regulations.
Different categories
Industries License |
Small, medium and large scale manufacturing factories |
Shop license |
Dangerous and Offensive trades, shops like barber etc. |
Food establishment license |
Restaurants, Hotels, Food stall, sale of meat and vegetables etc. |
The license must be renewed every year and application for renewal of the license is to be made within 30 days from the date of its expiry and incase of delay it will fine.